They Are All Ghosts

The anxiety that comes from worrying about what other people think about us, is perhaps the most debilitating of all. It’s dominated far too much of my own life. And it’s also completely pointless. There are no redeeming features to this sort of worry.

It’s a fiction inside our heads that has the power to read itself aloud, like an internal audio book on repeat, whether or not the people that we are feeling anxious about are:

-In the room
-Thinking about us even a little bit
-Able to affect us
-Care about us
-Close by
-Far away

-Or even alive.

Yes, I’ve had internal conversations, regarding things I’m trying to sort out in relation to people who in actual reality are deid!

The thing is the dead people in our heads are no more or less a lie, a made up character in effect, than the living ones.

They Are All Ghosts.

And like all ghosts, all they really require is a little acknowledgement of their existence. They don’t need lengthy and repeated conversations that only we can hear, because only we can see these particular ghosts.

I’m finding if I recognise these internal conversations for the “Ghosties” they are, and if I don’t run and hide, but allow myself to “see” them, then they can and do quickly vanish into the ether. And perhaps they return. But then the same thing applies. It is very possible for them to stop returning.

So, in conclusion, we could give Ghostbusters a call. We could purchase our very own Ecto Goggles, Proton Packs, Ghost Traps, and Slime Blowers.

Or perhaps we already have the required tools to do the job ourselves.

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