The Chorus

I’m travelling by train for the first time in a long while on Monday.

Down to my regular twice yearly get together, with songwriting friends again. I’ve mentioned it a fair bit, I think, simply because it’s one of the very best things in my year.

I’ve travelled to this do by planes, trains, buses and automobiles in the past. They’ve all got me there. To a lesser or greater extent, it’s always a long journey. But I genuinely look forward to that part of it too. And now I can’t wait to be sitting with a book and a coffee watching the world go by on my train. Which will of course depart and arrive on time! Watching the world go by, and simply feeling lucky to be alive.

The Chorus
is the part of the song which everyone is anticipating, however wonderfully constructed the verses might be. These weeks away, together with friends, wine, songs, banter, freedom, and fresh air definitely count as a chorus for me.

And the journey down is the pre-chorus when the anticipation starts to wind up. Everything familiar and in its right place.

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