Get The Sparks Flying

I mentioned that recently I had been struggling to get inspired in a songwriting sense, and in music generally. I’ve started doing a few things to Get The Sparks Flying.

Firstly, after many years of threatening to, but never really doing so, I’ve started to learn to play a couple of songs that I really like. I mean ones that I didn’t write. And then the plan is to learn more, and make them a small part of my repertoire when I gig. One of those songs, I kind of already knew, and I may even have played once. A cracker of a song by Christie Moore called Ride On. The second one is another love song, also one of my favourites by The Beautiful South called Prettiest Eyes.

I’m late to the party when it comes to singing covers, but the time feels right.

Secondly, I’m learning a new strumming/picking technique. I did the same a couple of years ago and wrote a song using that technique called Holy Water. The plan is to do the same with the new technique. I certainly haven’t mastered it yet, but I am at the point where I can start singing over it while I play. That gets the juices going.

Finally I’m taking part in a wee Songwriting Circle organised by Forest Of Songs and its founder Cecily Pearce. Cecily, I know, will get the ball rolling properly and (I’m just mixing and murdering a few metaphors to warm up) hammer the final nail in my apathetic coffin, putting an end to any songwriting malaise I’m suffering. (ps. The start date has changed to the 26th Feb if you were interested in joining the fun).

None of this is rocket science of course. And, sometimes, all ya really need is ye goode old fashioned kick up the arse!

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