
Bug Spray

The Flu Bug
Is not the most welcome member
Of The Insect World.
Unlike most insects
They do not contribute to Bio Diversity.
Only to Depleted Energy.
They are also a great boost
To the profit margins of
Paracetamol, Kleenex…

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The American Dream

Over a period of recent history I have to come to the conclusion that I am not as disqualified from becoming the president of the USA as I had suspected, for most of my life, that I might be.


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Earned My Dinner

I’ve not travelled by plane or train over the last couple of weeks. I have used the automobile. I have also journeyed by bicycle, by paddle board, by foot, by swimming and by kayak during this time.

My favourite forms…

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Understanding And Empathy

So I did jump into my “taking sides” thing. I’m still not going to tell you what it was about, because that is pretty irrelevant. I explained myself in as clear a manner as I was able. And then…

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Take Sides

At some point we may well have to “Take Sides”.

For some of us that is an inevitable but almost impossible predicament.
Because even in the most seemingly straightforward of instances, it is not possible to break things down to…

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Finishing Line

We race towards every Finishing Line. Becoming frustrated because we’re not getting there quick enough.

Except for the last finishing line.

For that one we can’t slow down fast enough.

Discover Fee On A Slow Bus Journey


The Next Flower

What is your pollen?

That’s the million dollar question. Because once you’ve answered that one, everything else comes naturally.

Simply fly to The Next Flower.

nb. these kind of “proverbial” statements can be both enlightening and frustrating at the

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The Worker Bee

As the lethargy landed
And the atrophy set in
I watched
The Worker Bee
Fly to another flower.
Always moving.
A part of something
Much bigger than him.
Not searching for meaning
Or change
Or improvement
Or attention.


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Up There

A fly landed on my knee while I was meditating with eyes closed.
The slight sensation of a tiny leg touching my skin. I know it’s a fly!

There are lots of other sensations happening at the same time. The…

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I know What You Were Thinking

You’re wondering whether I actually Paddled Boarded aren’t you?

I know what goes through your mind when I mention that I was going to do something, and then don’t return to the subject in the very next blog. Or the…

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Orange Friends

I had great fun yesterday watching the Semi-Final of the European Football Championships (ft. The Netherland v. England) in the Netherlands with my Orange wife and our Orange Friends.

I’m a big football fan. But to be honest, in…

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The Appearance Of Conflict

When I face The Appearance Of Conflict
My heartbeat starts to race
Yes, I have a tendency
To over react.
Like a dark star exploding in space

Sometime the conflict seems real
Often I just make it up.
Whichever story

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