
This is a great reflection on one motivation of many songwriter/performers: our often buried desire to create something that is remembered forever. Our own craving for immortality.

I love Gabe’s take on this. And the fact of the matter is that EVEN the people we think have achieved it, still have a shelf life. It’s physics mate. They too will be forgotten eventually. And if that wasn’t true, what does it really matter to them beyond their own time on earth anyway?

But for the rest of us…

Yes, let’s simply make something that has that Undeniable impact which Gabe mentions. It doesn’t have to last forever. It just has to…

-change something, even if it’s only ourselves
- release a teardrop
- start a dance
-or perhaps a romance
- spark a thought
- shine a little light.

That’s enough. We can do that.

ps. applicable to everyone, not just songwriters

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