These Kind Of Days

Weather Report from Campbeltown: Cold, with a frozen scattering of hail. Careful walking conditions.

We have the magical Gulf Stream on the west side of Scotland, so not that many days at or below freezing. But I like it like this. The air is sharp, the skies are clear, and the birds are busy.

Nostalgia Report from Me: When I was growing up, there were a lot more of These Kind Of Days. I lived inland, in the midlands, towards the east, and away from that warmer Atlantic climate.

So of course, I have a natural affinity to something that was a part of my formative experience. That good old frosty winter weather.

But, you know me now. I’m all about Now. So when the nostalgia blows in, I usually just say hello, experience that warm glow for a moment, and then watch it blow right on by.

Whatever the weather.

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