No Bother

Returning from my walk, on Main Street, in the half light of this almost Winter Solstice Campbeltown morn, a voice called out from above.

”’Scuse me…..S’cuse me”

I looked up, firstly towards the windows above the shop, but then saw a man on the platform at the top of a Cherry Picker. He was doing something at the business end of a high lamppost. (And no, there are no Cherry Trees on Main St, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other uses for a Cherry Picker, in case you were wondering!)

”Could ya give that blue rope a pull” he shouted, pointing below.

I walked to the base of the lamppost. There was a blue cord (it wasn’t really a rope to my mind) sticking out the opening at the bottom. Ooh! Suddenly there was a little bit of tension in the air. It was like the moment before unwrapping a Christmas present.

So I started pulling the cord through. And the cord was attached to a blue wire. But when the wire appeared, that was that. Job done. The excitement was over in a jiffy.

Sorry about the big build up.

“Cheers pal” he said.

No Bother, mate! I’ll send you the bill”

So if you’re ever passing along Main Street, Campbeltown, at night, I hope you’ll look up and appreciate my handiwork. We all need a little light in our lives!

No bother.

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