A Big Piece Of Rock

This morning after taking my usual walk along to The Field Of Hope I turned back in the direction of town. Right in front of me, hanging luminous over Campbeltown was a full and extravagant moon, shining bright even as the day began, lit up by the sun creeping up over Davaar Island, now behind me.

The moon is just A Big Piece Of Rock with no life upon it. A chunk that broke off from the larger piece that formed our own Earth billions of years ago. Yet it inspires awe. It governs the tides of our oceans. It acts as a muse for the humble songwriter. It can even give rise to hope.

It brings light to a dark night.

And, in this case, to a cold November morning.

If an inanimate piece of rock can do all of that, then perhaps we shouldn’t focus so much on our own limitations.

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