A Song Of Gratitude

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And thank you for considering supporting my music. I really appreciate it.

I'm a great believer in the value of building communities of like-minded souls. That's the best way, in my opinion, for us all to find a sense of strength and resilience in a complicated world. Because when we don't even have that with the people that we already like...that's when even kind folk like us can get scared and start kicking out and damning anyone who doesn't look like them. We see that happening a lot in our quickly changing world.

I'd love it if my music could play a part in building a kind and resilient community. I hope you feel the same way, but even if you don't, or you might not express it like that, I'm grateful for your support.I'd love to hear from you, and I'd like to pass on a few things to you musically that I don't share with anyone else. 

For instance, when I write a new song I will be recording a warts and all early video recording for you to hear.  That could happen anytime. And if I get any feedback (good or bad!) from you, you'll be helping me decide  which ones I go on to record. 

And you've probably seen that I've been making live recordings of myself playing my songs out and about in the wilds of Scotland.  Some of these will be public on Youtube, but I'll save some of the best ones for your eyes only. 

 When it's safe to play Homesong Gigs again, you'll get priority if you want me to play a gig at your house.  Homesong gigs are a great way to experience music, and to have a closer contact with the songs and their singers. And in the meantime, or if that isn't possible, I'd like to do some form of exclusive online gigs for all of those who are supporting me. 

My music, my life,  and how I use it, is still a work in progress. I imagine yours too. I'm writing these words without a single subscriber in existence. And I'm lucky in that I've been able to make music for years as a sideline to my regular work, without it mattering too much if I earn anything from it. But money is one of the most concrete ways in which we can show our appreciation for what others do. 

So thank you again for appreciating me. 

My love to you.  
